Friday, January 29, 2010

Taylor is 2 months old

Wow!!! I cant believe it has already been 2 months. Taylor is growing so much. As Clay says she is really starting to look like a person and not just a baby. Taylor has been smiling so much. She actually knows she is smiling and what she is smiling at. We are starting to read everyday (sometimes we miss a day)and this is fun for me even though she may not know what is going on. Taylor has also started "talking"(cooing). She is so cute when she does it too. When she first started it caught her off guard, she had this look on her face like "where did that come from?" It was too funny. Now, when she wants to she will talk and talk and talk. Sometimes it takes her a little while to get started but when she does we have a great time.

Speaking of cooing, Taylor talked the doctors head off yesterday. It was so funny. It was also sad because Taylor had no clue what was coming later. Shots!! Yes, yesterday we had our 2 month check up. Taylor weighs 10lbs 3oz and is 22in long. The doctor said she looks great. I guess Clay and I are finally figuring the parenting thing out. Haha. For now at least, I'm sure in a few months there will be things we have no clue about. But at least right at this moment we can for the most part figure her out. Like everyone kept saying, "it will get easier" and it has.

We miss everyone that is far away and cant wait for you all to come visit. We love you bunchies. Here are some pictures of our beautiful Taylor bug. Hope you enjoy.

Big Pop and Taylor

Robin and Taylor

Mommy and Taylor

I think Taylor looks a lot like me here

Mommies baby picture

Honey and Taylor

Taylor in her first cheerleading outfit

Big Pop and Taylor


She was so tired

precious taylor

Im in control

Beautiful little girl

Taylor bug

bath time

One of my first baby dolls

Pretty in pink

All smiles

I'm a big girl

So cute

First stroller ride, she loved it

Look no arms

She really does wake up every once and a while

I think she is playinng the piano in her sleep

She loves to sleep on her side

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1 month Dr. visit

Yesterday we had our 1 month check-up. It went great. Taylor is 9lbs. and 21and a half inches long. She is just growing so fast. Some of her newborn clothes are actually starting to get too small. Seems kind of crazy considering they were all too big at first. I can't believe Taylor is already over a month old. We got the ok from the doctor to start seeing how long she will sleep after her 11pm feeding so Clay and I are very excited about that, maybe she will sleep 6 hours. We tried it for the first time last night but it was the same time she would have gotten up normally, every 4 hours. Oh well we will get there soon enough. All in all the doctors visit went well the only part that was just awful was the shots. It broke my heart but Clay and I made ourselves laugh about it. Poor Taylor did not like those nasty shots. She seems to be doing much better today. I do not think they are bothering her anymore.

Clay traded his truck in just to down size a bit and save money. He got a Chevy. It fits him perfectly. It has big tires and a black tool box which he is very happy about. It is also full four door so it gives so much more room. I think the only part we do not like is that it does not have leather. And for me I think we need to get some step rails because its so high off the ground that it is hard for me to get into. But that will come in time. Here are some pictures of it.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Just some pictures from the weekend in Columbus

Aunt Abby and Taylor

Great Grandma, Penny and Taylor




Grin and Taylor

Mawmaw Parker and Taylor
Taylor's great great grandmother

Clay getting ready to go run