Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Taylor is finally here!

I am sorry it has taken me so long to update everyone on Taylor but yes she is here. Saturday Nov. 28 my water broke around 3 or 4 (cant remember) so Clay and I put our flashers on and headed to the hospital. The contractions were pretty heavy and it seemed like forever before they could give me any medicine. They did give me some pain medicine to help out a little before the epi. It did not really help it just made me sleepy. I dilated pretty fast and before I knew it I was pushing. I pushed for 2 hours and she was just not going to fit. So they get me ready for a c-section. In the mean time my epi. had worn off and I was in some pain but they finally got that under control. I did not even know they had started the c-section until Clay looked at me and said "your daughter is here". Clay got to go back with the nurses and take pictures of Taylor getting cleaned up and taking a bath and getting weighed. He also got to bring here back to the surgery room to meet her mommy for the first time. It was the sweetest moment. Taylor was born at 10:09pm Nov. 28, 6lb. 15oz. 20in. She is so beautiful.
In the hospital Clay and I were both getting cabin fever and we were ready to leave. Although I will say this everyone at the hospital was great and exceeded our expectations. They kept me good and doped up lol, and complemented Clay on what a wonderful job he had been doing. I have to agree he was so great in the hospital and still is.
We brought Taylor home that following Tuesday (the day I was supposed to be induced). The first couple of nights I will have to say that Clay and I began to wonder are we going to be able to do this? But after those nights everything has gotten so much better. Taylor is sleeping 4 hours straight at night. Clay and I take turns on who gets up to feed her. He usually takes the first feeding and I'll take the second. (cant wait to sleep 8 hours again) Although it gets hard sometimes, Clay and I could not be happier. Taylor is a blessing and we would not change anything. She makes the cutest and some very funny faces. She seems to always projectile poop when her daddy changes her. We actually had to shampoo the carpet the other day because she had pooped during a changing and it flew straight out onto the carpet.
We have our first visit to the doctor Dec. 16th. She goes in to be weighed and I go to my doctor for a check-up as well.
We are going to Mississippi for Christmas and cant wait for everyone to meet our little precious angel. She is more than happiness to us and we look forward to many years to come with her. I have posted a few pictures and I will get more asap.

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