Monday, June 21, 2010

Taylor bug

Well there are a few things I forgot to mention in the last blog. First off, Taylor had her 6 month doctors visit. She is doing great. She weighs 15pds. By the way her and Tucker weigh the same amount. Taylor had a rough time with the shots this time. It was worse than ever before. I also went by myself for the first time. This made me nervous at first but all went well. We got some drops for her eyes and they have seemed to work. I have to lay her upside down between my legs, with her arms under my thighs so I can put the drops in. Its funny but hey it works. Taylor loves baby food. I actually let her feed her self one night and of course most of it went everywhere but her mouth. She had a great time.

Taylor loves being in the pool. I have a little blow up pool for her and we have been to the big pool a few times. She will sit in her little float and play. Taylor is also starting to say mama again. I love it. For fathers day we bought daddy a card that you can record talking. Well I recorded Taylor and when I recorded her she said dada. So on fathers day Clay got to hear his little girl say dada for the first time. It was wonderful. Taylor has a new facial expression in which she squints her nose and kind of snorts at the same time. So cute. Taylor is almost crawling. I cant believe it. I think she will be crawling with in the next month. She also has two teeth. They hurt. No more sucking on mommies fingers.

Taylor is doing great and I hope you all enjoy the pictures.

eating a cookie

Taylor in her pool

Taylor at the beach

my little buggy

Posing for the picture

She loves playing with my chapstick

Thursday, June 3, 2010

6 MONTHS!!!!

Soooooo, I know I am a couple of months behind on this and I am truly sorry. I really do not have an excuse. All I can say is so much has happened in the past two months. First, let me start with Clay going to the academy. He left April 20th and his first official day was the 21st. He is having such an amazing time, its fun, not hard blah, blah, blah, yeah right. The academy if very tough. He is going nonstop from about 6am to 6 or 7pm. He is in the classroom in the morning and doing physical stuff in the afternoon. He has to eat cafeteria food (yuk)but he did have his favorite the other day, bread pudding. Thankfully, it was not as good as mine. I know Clay cant wait to get home and eat my home cookin'!!!! Clay has had a fitness test which he passed, he has also already had two written test and he passed those as well. I knew he would he is just awesome that way. Other than loving the academy, Clay really misses his two girls at his dad and Cheri's house. (I do not say back home because we are going to have a home in a few weeks.)

Its been tough with Clay gone. He does so much that I tend to look over or not pay much attention to. Now that I am doing it all it really shows me just how much he does. I have always known he does a lot and I have always appreciated him but its funny how when you are put in someone Else's shoes it makes you appreciate them so much more. I am busy all day everyday it seems. Of course, I am staying home with Taylor and not working, I am also trying to close on a house. It has been overwhelming at times. We are dealing with a crazy lady, the seller. The bank is taking forever and truly we almost just said forget it and walked away. For those of you who know whats happened you know that it is just way to much to put in this blog. Thankfully we had some good news today. I know it was the Lord. I have been praying about this for a long time. But last night when I prayed I said if we do not have any good news by Friday we are not going through with this. What do you know we had good news. Not to sure when we are closing but hopefully (keeping my fingers crossed) next week. Then I get to paint, put in flooring, get the carpet cleaned, CLEAN the house, move all our stuff in, and well you know all that house stuff. So if you want to help you do not have to ask I promise I want your help.

Now for your official Taylor update. She is 6 months old. I cant believe it. Everyday I look at her she is growing more and more. She misses her daddy, as do I, very much. When we talk on the phone I put da da on speaker phone so she can hear his voice. She looks for him first then just stares at the phone. She will smile and bury her head in the floor like she is blushing. I also have a couple of videos that da da has sent us and we watch those often. I want her to know her daddy is here and I want her to be able to know his voice. We got to see him a couple of weeks ago. It was an exhausting trip but worth every minute. Taylor knew exactly who Clay was and smiled and talked to him. They watched cartoons together and danced to the song My Girl. Clay never looked better. We cant wait to see him again. Ok sorry for the detour. Taylor is talking so much now. She loves her voice. She said mama for a while and then stopped. We have been working on it again though. We are also working on da da. She is sitting up by herself and she loves to bounce. Taylor also loves to roll. I promise if I laid her down in a big gym she would roll from one side to the other. No blanket is big enough. Honey bought her this bouncy thing and she loves it. She will bounce for a while, get tired and rest her head on it(so cute) then bounce some more. She is doing great with the baby food. She loves all the fruits. She has had mixed veggies, sweet potatoes, and green beans as well. She takes after her mom and does not like the green beans. She makes the funniest face when I give them to her. I take after my mom and make her eat them. But I only give her a little bit and the face is priceless. Looks like I am going to have to invest in a highchair pretty soon. Her bouncy seat is almost to small for her. Her butt butt almost touches the floor when she is in it.

Taylor loves scratching things. I'm not sure if she likes the way it feels on her fingers or if she likes the sound it makes. Maybe both. She also is a very curious thing. I sometimes wonder what is going on in that head of hers. She loves phones, remotes, cable boxes, etc. All the electronic stuff she seems to favor. Oh this is funny, she can growl. I think she may be trying to mock the dogs but its hilarious when she does it. Its her new favorite type of talking. Went from mama to grrrr!!!! She loves the dogs, especially buttercup. She tries to pet tucker but he wont let her. He runs from her. The other day right before her bath she was butt butt naked and we chased tucker. She likes to get him with her feet. It was so funny, Taylor laughed and laughed. Probably could have made some money if I would have videoed it and sent it to AFHV. I mean can you picture it? Mom holding a naked baby running after a dog. Too funny!!! Buttercup on the other hand will lay right next to her and let her rub, kick, pull, you name it and he does not care. He protects her. Crawling: We are working on getting on hands and knees and she is making progress. it wont be long before she is crawling.

We have our 6 month check-up on June 9th. After that I will update you all with her weight and everything the doctor says. I hope the doctor can give me some drops for her eyes. Her tear ducts are still clogged and for her, I want it to be better. She does not like me wiping her eyes all the time. She can now turn away and push my hands away to try and keep me from doing it.

I hope I didn't leave anything out. If I did I will add it when I tell about the doctor visit. I will also put more pictures. Hope you enjoy and we love you.